Apples varieties grown in our orchard:
- Cortland
- Empire
- Enterprise
- Florina Querina
- Fuji
- Gala
- Ginger Gold
- Golden Delicious
- Golden Russet
- Grimes Golden
- Haralson
- Idared
- Jonafree
- Jonagold
- Jonamac
- Jonathan
- KinderKrisp
- Liberty
- Macoun
- Mc Intosh
- Melrose
- Milton
- Mutsu (Crispin)
- Newton Pippin
- Northern Spy
- Northwest Greening
- Prairie Spy
- Pristine
- RubyJon
- Senshu
- Sir Prize
- Snow
- Spigold
- Suncrisp
- Swiss Gourmet
- Triumph
- William's Pride
- Wolf River
- Zestar!
About Us
Richard & Debbie Polansky bought the orchard from the Hafs family in 1982.

The original orchard was planted in the late 1930's.
There were 400 standard-size trees that included 25 different apple varieties. About a dozen of the grand old standard trees remain.
Today, at the orchard we grow 50 varieties, a mix of heirloom, classic favorites and modern releases.
The orchard has 3,000 trees, most of them fully dwarfed.
Our first Honeycrisp were planted in 1992, sixty trees as a trial. In the next several years customer enthusiasm and a buzz in the apple grower community convinced us to dive in. We went on Honeycrisp tours, talked with fellow growers and now grow over 2,000 Honeycrisp trees. This year we planted a new variety Triumph (a cross of Honeycrisp and Liberty), more KinderKrisp, and we grafted some of our older tried and true varieties to rejuvenate the supply for the future.
We made another big decision in the early 90's. With our accessible location between the metro areas of Chicago and Milwaukee we decided to maintain the quiet rural no frills atmosphere that many of our customers find appealing. Our perfectly ripened apples are picked carefully by hand, inspected and graded and presented for sale in our store, at farmer's markets in Kenosha, Wisconsin (Kenosha Public Market and Columbus Park both on Saturdays), the Lake Geneva Farmer's Market (Thursday mornings) and Genoa City Farmer's Market (Friday afternoons).
Richard and his crew monitor insect and disease populations daily from pre-bloom in spring through harvest time. This scientific scrutiny allows us to protect pollinators, bees, and beneficial insects and to produce high quality, great tasting, sustainably grown apples.
We invite you to walk in our orchard and savor autumn with a tree ripened apple or one of our hand-dipped Honeycrisp caramel apples.